Service Specials

Brake Job Special

$25.00 OFF Front or Rear Brake Job.

*See dealer for details. Must present coupon at time of write up. Offer ends end of month.

Alignment Special

Alignment Special $99.95 with the purchase of 4 tires.

*See dealer for details. Must present coupon at time of write up. Offer ends end of month.

Oil Change and Tire Rotation

Oil Change and Tire Rotation Special $10.00 Off between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. Daily with appointment.

*See dealer for details. Must present coupon at time of write up. Offer ends end of month.

Battery Replacement

Battery Replacement 10% OFF

*See dealer for details. Must present coupon at time of write up. Offer ends end of month.

Military Appreciation


"Must present coupon at time of write-up. Nissan anty. Certain restrictions apply. Not compatible with discounted rental cars. Does not Include tax or misc. charges. Not to be used In conjunction with any other coupons or discount specials. Valid only at Lee Nissan. See dealer for details. Not valid on previous sales. Expires end of month.